Madison Capital Partners

About Madison Capital

Madison Capital was created to assist companies reach their potential. From the structuring of private placement to helping our clients with networking opportunities, Madison's team is there through the entire process. Based in the US but reaching out to UK based companies, Madison Capital has a foot in each continent.

hedge fund on paper blueprint background, business concept

Hedge Funds and FoF

Madison Capital assists hedge funds of all sizes and shapes as well as in most of the world's jurisdictions. One of the most important documents a hedge fund needs is the private placement memorandum (PPM), which details the types of securities being offered to investors in return for their capital. A partnership agreement is also needed. Madison Capital can assist with all documents needed for hedge funds and fund of funds launches.

Funding Your Business

For those companies seeking to raise capital in the debt or equity market, Madison's team may be able to assist. From networking to investment banking lists of companies that help entrepreneurs and funds raise capital, we should be able to at least point one in the right direction, especially for US companies where Madison Capital is based.

American and European Documents

If you are set to launch your fund or company and need either European or US based documents drafted, such as an information memorandum or prospectus, Madison Capital can assist. Reach out to us anytime for a free consultation.

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